Quotation Explorer - 'Artika Tyner'

A leader helps others to reach their full leadership potential. - Artika Tyner
Make a commitment to serve the needs of the ‘least of these’ and give voice to the voiceless. - Artika Tyner
The heart of the leader is manifested through service to others. - Artika Tyner
Be true to yourself-at the core of your leadership are your values and morals. - Artika Tyner
A leader is a planter—a planter of ideas, seeds of change, and a vision for justice - Artika Tyner
An effective leader is also an effective listener. - Artika Tyner
Your only limitation is the limits of your imagination so dream big. - Artika Tyner
The leader is always learning new things and gaining new insights. - Artika Tyner
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